Let's breakdown the language in the question itself:
"What's the meaning of life?"
- Dissect the word "meaning" into two parts, comprised of the word "mean" and the suffix "ing", which gives action to "mean".
- A definition of the word "mean" is "average".
- Give action to "average" and the result is "averaging".
- Interpret "life" as a group of possibilities. The granular breakdown of life is really a sequence of events, which is the occurrence of several possibilities.
Put this translation together:
- Instead of:
- "What's the meaning of life?"
- The question reads:
- "What's the averaging of possibilities?"
What's extremely important here is the distinct difference between:
- "What's the averaging of possibilities?" and
- "What's the average of possibilities?"
It's the "ing" in the statement that gives action to the statement. The "average" of possibilities is very different than the "averaging" of possibilities. The "ing" is what life is all about, it's the process, it's the actual living that must occur.
In a coin flip example, the average is 50/50, the averaging is the process of flipping the coin. There is great power in the averaging versus the average. With the average, we are confined to the result as it stands now. With the averaging, we have the ability to affect future outcomes.
So, what's the meaning of life?
It is the averaging of possibilities, it is the process of determining the outcomes, not the outcomes themselves. It's the living of life.
We all contribute to the meaning of life.
If you want to change the collective "mean", or average, of all of life that was, and will ever be, you have the power to change it. If you live your life more environmentally conscious, you affect the average of all lives lived, to be more environmentally conscious. Anything you do, changes the mean.
It is your actions, or the way that you live your life that is the meaning of life.
It is "us living life" that is the "meaning of life".